Student Leadership

Student leaders at Hamilton Girls’ High School are given the opportunity to lead and promote a culture that fosters excellence and participation within our school community. All students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through participation and service.

O le ala i le pule o le tautua
The pathway to leadership is through service by Hamilton Girls’ High School

Executive Council

Our Executive Council is made up of our top 6 Prefects that lead their respective councils in our school:

  • Head Girl
  • Academic Captain
  • Arts Captain
  • Sports Captain
  • Services Captain
  • Sonninghill Hostel Head Girl
  • The Deputy Head Girl is selected from one of these positions.
Leadership Opportunities
  • Tutor group leader
  • Prefect
  • Peer support
  • Peer tutoring
  • Arts
  • Sport
  • Coaching
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Tuakana-Teina Support
  • Co-curricular Groups
Service Scheme

The Service Awards Scheme acknowledges students who have given extraordinary service to Hamilton Girls’ High School and the community. Awards are given for service to particular areas of the school, and a culmination of hours sees our students awarded with overall Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.

Hours can be accrued for a number of different service activities, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Sports coaching
  • Tutoring of artistic pursuits e.g. dance
  • Mentoring
  • Voluntary performances
  • Service initiatives
  • Volunteer work

The scheme is managed by our Service Council of Prefects.

Head Girl

Paige McOnie

Our Head Girl leads the Executive Council.  This is made up of 6 Executive Prefects, each with a responsibility of a Council. 

The role of the Head Girl includes representing the school at public events, running assemblies, leading events at school and oversight of Leadership week.


Our Academic Captain leads the Academic Council. This council is made up of the following Prefects:

Academic Council Captain
Latoya Haimona

Business Studies Prefect
Milly Jamieson

English Prefect
Libby Jones

GATE Prefect
Sehansa Soysa

Languages Prefect
Becky Campkin

Learning Support Prefect
Jaimee Cotterill

Health & PE Prefect
Laura De Souza

Mathematics Prefect
Megan McInnes

Science Prefect
Nisha Moorfield

Social Sciences Prefect
Katelyn Moke

Technology Prefect
Lily Houben

The Arts Prefect
Gloria Potgieter

Each prefect will lead and convene a committee of 10-12 across all year levels. Their primary focus will be to promote their area of responsibility to the student body, to lead and co-ordinate a tutoring system and to inspire interest and involvement through participation and challenge. A key focus will be on initiatives to raise student achievement.


Our Arts Captain leads the Arts Council. This Council is made up of eight Prefects:

Arts Council Captain
Elise Paki

Visual Arts Prefect
Shine Labores

Debate Prefect
Anna Alston

Toi Māori Prefect
Arihia Gage

Music Prefect
Kassy Cao

Drama Prefect
Bre Delaney

Dance Prefect
Oliviarose Kaua

Media Prefect
Zoie Bacal

Pasifika Arts Prefect
Uaniva Tautalanoa

Each prefect will lead and convene a committee of 10-12 across all year levels.  Their primary focus will be to promote their area of responsibility to the student body, to lead and co-ordinate curricular and co-curricular activities, celebrate success and achievement and to organize and promote participation in local, regional, national and international competitions.

Services COUNCIL

Our Services Captain leads the Service’s Council. This Council is made up of seven Prefects:

Services Council Captain
Sina Onesemo Toa

Library Prefect
Brianna Laird

Community Prefect
Latesha Teng

Pasifika Prefect
‘Anakiu Tenefufu Jr Manase

Ka Awatea Prefect
Maddelyn Ellery

International Prefect
Tanisha Prasad

Diversity Prefect
Tanya Davidse

Each prefect will lead a committee of 10-12 across all year levels.  They will be responsible for promoting their area of responsibility to the student body through the organisation and celebration of events relative to their portfolio e.g. Daffodil Day, celebrating success and achievement and organising and promoting participation in events and house activities.


Our Sports Captain leads the Sports Council. This council is made up of eight prefects.

Sports Council Captain
Gracie Kerr

Sports Council Prefect
Sienna Austin

Sports Council Prefect
Riana Brewer

Sports Council Prefect
Rubi Hart

Sports Council Prefect
Kate Rudiger

Sports Council Prefect
Caitlin Hull

Each prefect represent two code’s but also select other portfolio’s in the Council such as High Performance, Events Organisation, House Sporting Events, Coach Development, Umpire Development and Marketing and Promotion


Campbell House Captain
Jordan Devoy

Edgecumbe House Captain
Nyah Nikau

Heads House Captain
Zarah Rattray

MacDiarmid House Captain
Pylat Senior

Wilson House Captain
Ilaria Pace


Our Sonninghill Hostel Head Girl leads the Sonninghill Hostel Executive Council.
This Council is made up of five prefects.

Sonninghill Hostel Head Girl
Kaytlen Tamatea-Kepa

Sonninghill Hostel Deputy Head Girl
Caitlin Hull

Sonninghill Hostel
Rubi Hart

Sonninghill Hostel
Madeline Mulgrew

Sonninghill Hostel
Sahryse Fong