Drama Groups


The purpose of our school drama groups is to provide students with:

  • Performance opportunities
  • Opportunities to grow technique and skills
  • The chance to be part of a team
  • Competition at a regional and national level when possible
  • Socialisation with like-minded students


At Hamilton Girls’ High School the following Drama troupes are on offer:

  • Sheilah Winn
  • Shakespeare Festival
  • Drama Club
  • Theatresports – Junior
  • Theatresports – Senior
  • Annual School Production (combined w/HBHS)


Being part of co-curricular school drama is a privilege and requires significant commitment. Each Actor and group leader are required to sign the below contract that outlines the expectations of co-curricular Drama groups at HGHS. Any student who does not uphold our values of respect, participation, and pride through their lack of commitment may be removed from the programme.


The Sheilah Winn Competition is an annual inter-school drama competition which takes place at the end of Term 1.

Regional winners go to the national competition in Wellington to compete in the National Finals. The Sheilah Winn Competition is open to all comers.

The fee for participation is $25 and includes entry into Sheilah Winn REGIONAL competition. This does not include transport to and from the competition

Students will need to commit to the following events:

SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn National Shakespeare Competition 

(where applicable) SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn National Shakespeare competition


TIC: Ms Margie Wynne-Jones
[email protected]


Drama Club is an all-comers group made up of Year 9-13 students that meets every week on Wednesday lunchtime for Drama games and devised activities.

It is convened by the Drama Prefect and Drama Committee.
There is no charge to attend this group.


TIC: Ms Margie Wynne-Jones
[email protected]

Drama Prefect: Bre Delaney
[email protected]


Theatresports Groups are divided into Junior and Senior teams and are open to all.

Students practise weekly, and work towards the regional Theatresports competitions which take place at the Meteor Theatre, 2 or 3 Monday nights per term.

The fee for Theatresports is $25 and includes entry into regional competitions.

Students will need to commit to the following events:

Waikato Theatresports competition


TIC: Ms Katrina Clark
[email protected]

Prefect: Bre Delaney
[email protected]

Theatresports Captain
Emma Bowyer

Commitment & Expectations

Being a part of a team means being part of something much bigger than just yourself. In Drama we develop skills of cooperation, teamwork, and reliability.

It is important that if you are a member of a Drama group you commit to the scheduled practices, performances, and competitions.

If you are unable to attend a practice due to sickness or another school activity, please communicate this to the Teacher in Charge or group Captain ASAP.

Once a competition or performance date is set, if something else comes up AFTER this time, we expect the performance to take priority. Failure to do so may, once again result in a student being removed from the group. All students will sign a contract to agree to the expectations outlined.

Group Fees

Our drama groups are fully student funded and we endeavour to keep costs as low as we can. The non–refundable fee for our drama groups varies between groups. This cost covers any REGIONAL competition entry fees and costumes.

Any further costs for NATIONAL competitions such as entry fees, accommodation, travel, make-up costs are covered at your own expense, and will be communicated as required upon national selection.