Specialised Learning Programmes

We cater for all learners through extension, learning support, and other specialist and special character programmes.


This is an academic extension programme dedicated to enriching and extending students working at an above average academic level. Students joining Hamilton Girls’ High School are invited to apply to be considered for the Ignite programme. Entry is by invitation and based on academic results in our entrance tests, previous test results provided to us, and recommendations from our feeder schools.

Ignite offers students the opportunity to experience learning at a level that extends, challenges, and supports them. Focus is placed on developing deep subject knowledge, critical thinking, and high-level reasoning skills. Ignite aims to lay the foundations for top academic success in the senior school whilst providing for a broad range of learning experiences. An Ignite mentoring programme is accessible for all Ignite students whose wellbeing and progress may benefit from extra support. When considering option choices, it is recommended (though not compulsory) for Ignite students to consider taking a language option in both Year 9 and 10.

Cambridge IGCSE

Cambridge IGCSE programmes are a recent introduction to our school curriculum. The enrichment and extension provided through these programmes is designed to broaden subject knowledge bases and further deepen critical conceptual thinking paving the way for top academic success in the senior school. Cambridge IGCSE courses are offered in Year 10 in both English and Science (from 2023) and Year 11 (from 2024) in English, Science, and Mathematics to students identified as working at an above average academic level.

Entry into these courses is by invite and is opt-in. The English and Science courses are designed to run over two years, with an examination at the end of a student's Year 11 year. The Mathematics course runs over one year in Year 11 with an examination at the end of the same year. Cambridge programmes and qualifications are globally recognised for their high standards. They are created by subject experts, valued for their academic rigour, and reflect the latest educational research.

For more information on Cambridge IGCSE, click here.

Realising Potential

This is an academic support programme limited to 26 students and 1 teacher with teacher aide support. This programme is good for students who might find the transition to high school difficult either socially or academically. The Realising Potential programme aims to build students’ confidence and resilience.

English as a Second Language

This is an English language support programme for English Language Learners. These students will be with a core class for all subjects apart from English. Instead of English, they will have an integrated programme combining the study of both English literature and language arts with English language learning. Students would take this alongside the ELA option which focuses on English language learning only.

Literacy and Numeracy Enhancement

The Literacy programme is for students identified through placement testing and contributing school feedback. It provides extra support in the area of literacy i.e. writing or reading which will allow them to access the curriculum expected at secondary school. Students are in a small class environment with a teacher aide.

The focus of the Numeracy programme is to provide extra support and confidence in numeracy (number) skills. Through games and practical activities, students build on the knowledge gained at previous schools to upskill for secondary school. Students are identified through placement testing and contributing school feedback. Students are in a small class environment with a teacher aide.

Pathway 2

This is a modern learning environment which invites learners to collaborate and co-construct their learning contexts with their teachers. Accommodating 55 - 58 learners, our Pathway 2 team work in five cross-curricular courses, engaging with the Learning Areas of the New Zealand Curriculum, focusing particularly on our localised curriculum.

Students opting into Pathway 2 at Year 9 will have the opportunity to continue in our modern learning Pathway for Year 10, before moving into a more personalised programme of learning for NCEA.

Mātauranga Māori

Students will explore mātauranga Māori with a focus on the special place of Māori language and culture in the unique identity of Aotearoa. Students will become empowered to confidently participate as an active New Zealand citizen in contexts that involve the use of reo and tikanga Māori.

Ko Wai Au

There are two main themes that are explored in this subject, hauora and identity. Students will undergo a programme of self-discovery and reflection to understand their place in the special Hamilton Girls' High School community, as well as learn tools and strategies for improved well-being.

Athlete Development Programme

The Athlete Development Programme is a half year option designed for our top athletes and deliberately supports them into a career trajectory of professional sport. The programme is part of a wider strategic plan that promotes an athlete centred, performance focused, supportive and sustainable system.

Reipae Dunn, receiver of 3rd place at the 2022 Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competitions, practices a science experiment in wonder.
HGHS Blackferns in Fiji