Media at HGHS


The purpose of our school Media Clubs are to provide students with:

  • Opportunities to grow technique and skills
  • The chance to be part of a team
  • Competition at a regional and national level when possible
  • Socialisation with like-minded students
For specific Group/Club contacts click here.


Media clubs and groups are integral to the life of our kura and there is plenty of opportunity to get together with others who have the same interests.

Competitive Film Club
Competitive film club is an opportunity for students interested in creating films to enter in competitions around the country. This is a student lead group that will meet once a week or once a fortnight depending on the student leaders. There are no initial fees for joining the club; however, there may be fees for those students wanting to participate in the 48 Hour Film Competition – this competition is optional for interested members of the club. In the past students have won monetary prizes, cameras, and various other awards and accolades. 

What you put into the club is what you get out of it!